Tuesday, March 25, 2008

WTF LL of the Day: Brand THIS

Zoe and I had our own take on the latest declaration from the Lab and think our commercial should go a little something like this...

"Are you worried that your 2nd Lyfe needs brand protection? Have questions about the latest "comply or cry" policies? We also handle tp crash and lag-related accident settlements, as well as damages related to inventory losses. The virtual world can be a confusing place and we can help YOU today...Contact Laval & Connolly LLP now! We'll get the job done!"

Yeah, I get "why" they feel they should and while it shouldn't/hopefully won't/had better not affect us bloggers, the new brand policy has a lot of folks upset. I am looking at the very title and domain name of my blog, for instance. We've been promoting you all along SanFranMMORPGLab, so going RIAA-style on us, hmm...


Squad 7 said...

I have an idea!

Connolly and Laval will be the firm that goes after non-compliant bloggers...

while Laval and Connolly comes to their defense!

Thereby doubling our fees!

Eladrienne Laval said...