Tuesday, March 11, 2008

New Taloo: Possum Miss Elle n Spaghetti

Make a deal with a voodoo queen and sometimes you end up having to be a smaller version of yourself. "Eek! A mouse!" said Miss Terrakhan Yifu, our cemetery's caretaker. "A flapper possum, thank you kindly..." I said.Later on, while talkin to Miss Kara Wind and Gryff at Phin's Jazz Club, Miss Allison Cleanslate paid a visit--as a spaghetti and meatballs. New Taloo will be an interesting place indeed!


lefobserver said...

hi from greece

Diamanda Gustafson said...

Geia sou file singavre!

HeadBurro Antfarm said...

New Talouse... I've never hreard of this place but I'm going to have to go!