Saturday, January 26, 2008

Elle's First Year: SL Day 1

For the rest of this week elinsl will be about my year in here in retrospect. I'll be a year the hell did that happen? Enjoy...

I actually have a photo of myself from my very first day in SL *gasps*:I was a cybergoth...innocent, gaudily blue haired and red/black attired and noobtastic. Everything was confusing and exciting all at the same time. Flying was mysterious, bling (something I was never into maybe because it was called bling?) was intriguing, and folks dancing in sync? Baffling. And how in the hell did people say stuff like "Eladrienne Laval raises an eyebrow at your outfit"? Back then it was like wtf and I was overwhelmed by it all and found this quiet peaceful place where meditating was the very first poseball I ever used...

I looked around and realized no one was a Cybergoth and changed to a more "normal" AV almost right away. Why? I figured, I didn't know the culture and felt that blending in at first was probably easier to avoid griefing and stuff as a noob. It's so funny to me since I look like just about whatever I damned well feel like now. I found myself wandering the quiet creative places of SL as a clueless redhead mostly. I thought, in my obliviousness, that I was cute...and to some extent, I was, dammit! *laughs* My oldest friend in here still remembers me as "wide-eyed, laughing, with great legs". I took as many classes as I could...building, basic SL intro, even a business promo class. I love you guys at NCI! *kisses* A year later, all those things I learned then have helped me now and I still learn and explore in SL. Try to be kind to the (non-jerk-y) noobs...I know how much I still appreciate all of the older players who took the time to try to school l'il ol' noobie me.


Edward Pearse said...

Congratulations on making it through your first year!

Michael Röhm said...

And many more years to come!