Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Learning is Fun in Raglan

Heading over to Raglan U. for the second part of the machinima class in preparation for the big Raglan Machinima Festival in February...
Daveypup Nirvpaw's goal today was to teach us about basic editing in Movie Maker (since it's free and most of us have it anyway)...
Looking at my fellow tinies in attendance was a lot of fun too. I noticed Bith's rings on her horns. Very chic! I had the pleasure of meeting Bith in RL at the Baltimore Comic Con recently. She was there with her husband, who is an artist, and both of them were very nice!
I noticed zoe Reymont's toilet paper roll and wondered what she had been up to...
And Teal, well...I am probably not going to post it as it was just a godawful test, but my practice machinima that I made was called "Bloodsucking Squirrel." Yup.

1 comment:

HeadBurro Antfarm said...

Ohhhh man! You guys are so making me want to start on my second film - not enough time :((

Anyhoo, I have some collected thoughtlets here that may be of some use to you and the other tinies :)
