Between RL obligations and a computer that refuses to allow me to stay inworld longer than 10 minutes, I don't get to come in that often. But when I do, I've found that I love catching up with my friends, including some that are my oldest in SL like Hy above.
Lunar recently asked me is it hard to return, as I've been away for a while now. My answer? Yes and no. I feel redefined, as I now have no house, no businesses, and no obligations. SL feels more like a getaway and I can be free to enjoy myself more. It's like being new again, but the thing is, the relationships I've made inworld still feel the same in a good way.
I have made wonderful friends in SL, and although I'm not able to come in and see you all as often as I'd like, I want you to know that I'm thinking about you!